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Making Ads Matter

Making Ads Matter
Jonah Cait

Following the deprecation of the cookie and changes to user privacy policies, advertisers are actively seeking out innovative solutions to maintain ad relevance. Based on its history of driving performance without the need for cookies, contextual targeting is eliminating media inefficiencies by ensuring advertising investments are delivering in suitable contexts.

Programmatic media is efficient at maximizing reach and achieving cost-efficient outcomes, but without contextual layers, it may neglect brand suitability. Prioritizing targeted contexts can greatly improve personalization, ad effectiveness, and resonance. Keyword and category-based targeting are effective, but we wanted to challenge ourselves and create a solution that was better suited for fuelling brand growth and development.


Reticle was engineered by Hotspex Media alongside the team at Hotspex Research, the Most Innovative Insights Firm in North America three years running. With a significant focus on behavioral science and human emotion, their team built a proprietary emotional framework, “The Map”, that has been adopted by leading advertisers globally, as their unified theory of brand. The map itself is commonly used to identify category drivers, opportunities for competitive distinctiveness, and brand consistency across key touchpoints.

Advancing this framework, our team set out to create artificial intelligence systems specializing in emotional comprehension and expression, capable of classifying advertising inventory into emotional categories. In partnership with Peer39, we’ve integrated our models into their tech stack, classifying enormous volumes of open market inventory to bring self-serve emotional categories to advertisers, available in Peer39’s Contextual Marketplace.


Emotion is innately complex, subconscious, subjective, and it’s crucially important – yet difficult to target. While humans often will claim decisions are wholly made from a rational standpoint, emotions are a large driving force in the majority of our decision-making skills and heuristic-based strategies.

Understanding emotion is the difference between making an ad and making an ad matter. Brand managers, insights teams, and agency strategists have spent countless hours crafting the perfect brand and communications strategy – deliverables that deserve to be noticed.

Our belief is that achieving ad resonance is a balance of both the content of the ad and the context in which an ad is placed. By matching the emotional intent of an ad with the placements where audiences are most receptive to that emotion, advertisers are able to maximize brand-building impact and make their media dollars work harder.

Reticle helps to demystify advertising supply, enabling advertisers to leverage their unique brand strategies and deliver their campaigns with purpose.

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