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Unpacking The Latest Changes To The IAB Tech Lab’s Video Ad Guidelines

Unpacking The Latest Changes To The IAB Tech Lab’s Video Ad Guidelines
Hotspex Media Team

Unpacking The Latest Changes To The IAB Tech Lab’s Video Ad Guidelines

  • In August 2022, the IAB Tech Lab introduced updates to its Ad Formats Guidelines for Digital Video and CTV.

These updates proved to be small steps in the right direction for industry transparency. The amended guidelines changed the definition of in-stream video to include video that is sound-on and plays before, during or after streaming video content the user has requested; delivers within a player; monetizes content that the publisher is delivering; and can include linear and nonlinear ads, which don’t need to be videos. Now, given industrywide pushback, the IAB Tech Lab has amended its previous update to provide more clarity for publishers, advertisers and technology companies.

Why CTV is the next big branding channel for sports advertisers 

  • Brands targeting sports audiences already know that reaching fans is getting harder and more expensive by the day. 

The costs of traditional advertising channels like linear TV are rising, while the price of a sponsorship splash with a league or team leaves many brands frozen out. For many brands, the answer is connected TV. Given that 76% of TV households now own a smart TV, and sports audiences are growing fragmented across multiple platforms and devices, CTV is fast becoming a vital part of the marketing mix for sports advertisers.

  • Read the full article from DIGIDAY

TikTok remains top social app for teens despite drop in favorability, study finds

  • While many findings in Piper Sandler’s latest Taking Stock With Teens survey indicate minimal movement in Gen Z consumer brand preferences from its fall 2022 findings, some shifts could allude to larger forces at play in the marketplace that could have implications down the line. 

TikTok remains teens’ most favored social media platform so far in 2023, though its favorability fell one percentage point from the fall of 2022 with a 37% share, according to Piper Sandler’s Spring 2023 Taking Stock with Teens survey. Still, it’s unlikely that use of TikTok by teens is going to plummet anytime soon, as indicated by its unshaken No. 1 status and ongoing support from marketers.In particular, the slight drop in favorability for TikTok compared to last fall could stem from growing data privacy concerns and ongoing federal scrutiny of the ByteDance app. Piper Sandler’s latest semi-annual report surveyed 5,690 teens across 47 U.S. states in February and March with an average age of 16.2 years.

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