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Unlocking Laser-Like Precision in Digital Campaign Targeting with GWI Audience Activation

Unlocking Laser-Like Precision in Digital Campaign Targeting with GWI Audience Activation
Hotspex Media Team

Hotspex Media is excited to announce a powerful new capability: GWI Audience Activation for targeted digital campaigns. This collaboration with GWI empowers us to sharpen our targeting like never before, enabling us to reach audiences with unparalleled precision.

What is GWI Audience Activation?

GWI Audience Activation allows us to seamlessly integrate GWI's rich audience insights directly into our digital campaigns. By leveraging data marketplaces like LiveRamp and Cadent, we can access a vast array of audience segments and push them directly into the platforms where we're running our campaigns. Whether it's Meta, Google, TikTok, The Trade Desk, or any other major platform, GWI Audience Activation ensures that our targeting is finely tuned to reach the right people at the right time.

Benefits for Your Campaigns

  • Specific Targeting: With GWI Audience Activation, we can execute campaigns targeted at prospective customers drawn from both pre-built and bespoke GWI audiences. Whether you're looking to reach a broad demographic or a highly niche group, this capability allows us to tailor our campaigns with laser-like precision.
  • Time Savings: By streamlining the process of modelling audiences and integrating them into our campaigns, GWI Audience Activation saves us valuable time and resources. This means quicker campaign setup and execution, giving you faster results and a more efficient workflow.
  • Bespoke New Audiences: In addition to pre-built audience segments, GWI Audience Activation enables us to create and push bespoke audiences tailored to your specific needs. Whether you're targeting a niche market or testing a new audience hypothesis, we can model and deploy custom audiences with ease.

    How It Works

    • Audience Selection: Choose from a range of pre-built or bespoke audience segments available through GWI.
    • Audience Modeling: GWI's partner Dynata models the selected audience to ensure accuracy and relevance.
    • Data Marketplace Integration: The modelled audience is made available for purchase in leading data marketplaces like LiveRamp.
    • Campaign Activation: Once purchased, the audience can be seamlessly pushed into your chosen platform and used in your campaign targeting.

    Ready to take your digital campaigns to the next level?

    Reach out to your Hotspex Media team today to learn more and start leveraging this powerful new capability.

    Want to Learn More?

    Give us a shout and let us know how we can help.

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