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Twitch bets on livestream shopping with expanded holiday programming

Twitch bets on livestream shopping with expanded holiday programming
Hotspex Media Team

Twitch bets on livestream shopping with expanded holiday programming

  • While some have leaned away from livestream shopping this year, Twitch is pushing full steam ahead with its holiday-timed Pog Picks, citing stats from Coresight Research that projects the shopping format will grow to be a $20 billion market this year compared to $6 billion in 2020.

Amazon-owned streaming platform Twitch is reviving its Pog Picks livestream shopping event timed to the holiday season. Pog Picks, produced by Twitch’s Brand Partnership Studio and hosted by Twitch streamers, showcases products from both editorial picks and brand sponsorships, and encourages viewers to compete in a series of gaming challenges and polls to win featured products. The holiday event has experienced promising growth over its lifespan, the release details, and its return sees the streaming platform continuing to place bets on livestream shopping, despite a retraction in the tactic evident elsewhere.

Snap Highlights the Rising Potential of AR for Marketing in New Report

  • With AR set to become a much bigger focus over the next few years, it’s important for all brands to consider the potential for their marketing and promotional efforts, with 3D digital initiatives set to change the game, in many ways, as usage behaviors evolve.

To provide some more context on this, Snap recently partnered with Breakthrough Research to conduct a study into how consumers view AR, and how likely it is that AR experiences will influence their shopping process. The response data shows that consumers are excited about the possibilities, with AR able to help consumers make faster decisions, and likely purchase more as a result. The enhanced AR experience provides more context when shopping online, which can be a big help in reassuring shoppers, or just by adding context that drives value in the process.

Google rolls out new features across Maps, Search and Shopping

  • Google announced today that it’s introducing a slew of new Maps, Search and Shopping features. The company revealed a majority of the new features during its Search On event in September and is now starting to roll them out to users.

Google has announced a new AR shopping feature that is designed to make it easier to find your exact foundation match. The company says its new photo library features 148 models representing a diverse spectrum of skin tones, ages, genders, face shapes, ethnicities and skin types. As a result, it should be easier for shoppers to better visualize what different products will look like on them.

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