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TikTok Announces New Ad Tools and Performance Insights at Second ‘TikTok World’ Event

TikTok Announces New Ad Tools and Performance Insights at Second ‘TikTok World’ Event
Hotspex Media Team

TikTok Announces New Ad Tools and Performance Insights at Second ‘TikTok World’ Event

  • Today, TikTok has held its second annual TikTok World event, where it shared a range of ad tips, insights, and previews of new promotional features that will open up new opportunities for marketers in the app.

TikTok’s launching a new ‘Showtimes’ ad unit for movies, which will enable users to select showtimes, and buy tickets at their local cinema, all in-stream. The broader strategy for TikTok is also about encouraging purchase behavior in the app, and getting users more used to spending directly in-stream. TikTok’s also announced a new ad objective called ‘Focused View’, which will see advertisers charged based on attention and engagement.

YouTube Is Further Embracing Its Podcasts By Adding 30-Second Audio Ads

  • During the recently held advertising week in New York, YouTube was seen setting out a series of different announcements regarding various marketing tools that can be found on the app.

One of the most notable ones was linked to expanding podcasts with the addition of 30-second-long audio ads. For the new availability found globally, audio ads were outlined to reach out to different audio surfaces while paying attention to the first states. In this way, podcasts that targeted such endeavors were seen allowing brands and various agencies to spend time on different audio listeners, with the feature being made available internationally. Releases New Analytics API for Amazon Demand Side Platform (DSP)

  • today announced the release of a new analytics API for its Amazon Demand-side platform (DSP), tailored to meet the needs of automotive dealers, brands, and ad agencies, with almost real-time insights and in-depth analysis of campaign performance.

The only Amazon Verified Partner built for Automotive, is designed specifically to holistically integrate with Amazon's suite of Ad Tech solutions. It delivers a customer-centric advertising experience resulting in higher clickthrough rates, lower cost per lead, and a more efficient media buy. The platform enables automotive dealerships to efficiently communicate the right message to the right audiences while highlighting their local dealership across Amazon OTT, Dynamic Amazon Display, and Streaming Audio.

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