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This Week's News 2021/05/12

This Week's News 2021/05/12
Hotspex Media Team

Coming Soon to DV360

May 10,2021 | Display & Video 360 announcements

  • Starting May 2021 Display & Video 360 will welcome new changes for creative downloads within the gallery view and will introduce new .html file limitations.
  • Starting June 2021, Display & Video 360 will apply changes to platform reporting dimensions and will remove the dashboards feature
  • Starting June 2021, Campaigns within Campaign Manager 360 that use the ad-blocking feature will only have a single brand-safe ad assigned across all placements.

Over the next few weeks Display & Video 360 will be:

  • Removing the Creatives download button from Gallery view
  • The dashboard feature will be removed from Display & Video 360.
  • Starting the week of May 17, Studio Creatives with multiple .html files will not be available for export from Campaign Manager 360.
  • Starting the week of June 21, 2021, Studio, Campaign Manager 360, and Display & Video 360 will no longer support creatives that include more than one .html file. (will be archived in Campaign Manager 360 and Display & Video 360 if not consolidated into one .html file)
  • Values returned by the Time of Day dimension will change from single-digit to double-digit.
  • Within reports, the Creative Attributes dimension in DV360 reporting will no longer return Active View, Flash, or Flash with HTML5 Backup values.
  • To support the expansion of automated credits for overspend to include non-TrueView spend, A value of Other one-off credits i.e. Budget Adjustments will be returned instead of TrueView Budget Adjustment.
  • Userlist expression filters (which allow API users to use complex logic for audience lists) will be removed from the reporting API.
  • The YouTube Adapted Audience report will be removed from the reporting interface.
  • Within Campaign Manager 360, Campaigns that use the ad-blocking feature will only have a single brand-safe ad assigned across all placements.
  • Read the full article from Google HERE & HERE

Google webspam report: 60% increase in spam detection

April 29 | Search Engine Land

  • Google announced its new webspam report for 2020 that can be accessed here.
  • The 2020 webspam report from Google said the company detected 40 billion pages of spam every day, which is up from 25 billion in 2019.

Google detected 40 billion pages of spam every day in 2020, which is up from 2019 by 60%. Google has credited advancements in AI with having reduced sites with auto-generated and scraped content from showing up in its search results by more than 80% and has improved detection capability by more than 50% to combat hacked spam. Google also said it focused a lot on protecting searchers from misinformation around the pandemic in addition to making significant progress in improving coverage and protecting users against online scams and fraud through features such as the “more about this result” feature. These efforts by Google help legitimate sites rank better and help support safe searching.

NewFronts and upfronts move closer together. Here’s what it means for media buyers.

MAY 5, 2021 | The Trade Desk

  • Ad dollars sent to ad-supported streaming services is expected to nearly triple in 2024 to $18 billion, according to eMarketer.
  • The marketing intelligence company predicts linear won’t return to its former glory after seeing historic declines in ad revenue last year ($61 billion)


The Interactive Advertising Bureau’s NewFronts this year may well go down as a seminal moment in TV advertising. A glance at this year’s participants shows how the event is starting to merge with its linear Upfront counterpart, with an increasing number of companies now participating in both. For example, advertisers can now programmatically execute digital upfront commitments across all of Disney’s inventory — ABC, Freeform, National Geographic, FX, ESPN and Hulu — through a single access point with one deal ID. 

Amazon said its ad-supported video (AVOD) now reaches 120 million viewers each month; Vizio announced better measurement and targeting capabilities; and Tubi's total view time increased 54% in the first quarter, reaching a record 798 million streaming hours. The IAB’s CEO, David Cohen, says the industry must now turn its attention toward designing ad formats that call consumers to action "The ads must be relevant and engaging. We will not get a second chance at this."

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