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This Week's News: 2021/04/06

This Week's News: 2021/04/06
Hotspex Media Team

From TV to TikTok: Family time has evolved

  • 80%of new parents are millennials who turn both to the internet and social media to learn about parenting purchases.
  • During COVID, 20% of moms have been more frequently seeking content from influencers
  • The toy industry has surged, with sales growing 16% in the US in 2020.

Brands that are targeting parents can lead the conversation by steering content toward a few popular topics. Compared to TikTok users who are in the same age group but don’t have children, TikTok parents are more likely to post about home appliances, snack products, business, cars and grocery products. They offer tips, tricks, and in-depth knowledge to one another, and reveal unfiltered family insights unlike anywhere else. During COVID, 20% of moms have been more frequently seeking content from influencers, and most remain committed to those influencers who they’ve already followed. This generation is more likely than the average mom to provide opinions and recommendations, and are also asked for opinions on purchase decisions much more often.

Founders Of, OpenX Launch CTV Media-Buying, Performance Platform Based On Search

  • Marketers can set up a CTV media buy in 10 minutes or less and measure CTV media on one platform.
  • Between 300 and 500 advertisers dominate the entire legacy TV media buying industry, depending on the season, they control about 80% of all traditional TV ad budgets

tvScientific, a TV ad-tech company, launched an end-to-end connected TV buying and attribution system intended to eliminate the high barriers to entry into TV advertising using a search-advertising model, making it accessible to all businesses. Marketers can set up a CTV media buy in 10 minutes or less, then evaluate campaigns the way it is done in search and social advertising. The platform can target more than 15,000 unique customer segments and has direct access to more than 90% of premium CTV publishers, bypassing unnecessary technology layers that allow businesses to buy premium CTV inventory at efficient rates. With direct attribution, the platform enables advertisers to make real-time decisions on campaign performance and media plan optimization.

Clubhouse and Social Audio 2021

  • Worldwide downloads of Clubhouse soared to 10.1 million in February

When Clubhouse usage spiked in February, social audio officially became the latest shiny new thing in social media. Clubhouse is an invite-only social audio app that allows users to listen to (and participate in) conversations on a variety of topics. To date, Clubhouse is the largest player in this unfamiliar space, Twitter is expected to launch its version of social audio, Spaces, later this month. LinkedIn, Spotify, Discord, Facebook, and Instagram are also starting to embrace social audio, and a raft of startup apps like Fireside and Stereo also hope to make a splash.

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