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This Week's News: 2021/03/31

This Week's News: 2021/03/31
Hotspex Media Team

Why you should give a DAM about omnichannel marketing

  • Organisations must provide an experience which is memorable for the consumers across various touch points
  • Most businesses are now offering a multichannel experience and the challenge for the year ahead is to bring this together in a strategic way that delivers a truly seamless, omnichannel customer experience.

Most businesses are now offering a multichannel experience and the challenge for the year ahead is to bring this together in a strategic way that delivers a truly seamless, omnichannel customer experience. In a recent study, 87% of shoppers say they want a “personalized and consistent shopping experience across all shopping channels.” Its foundations lie in meeting customers wherever they want to shop – from YouTube to Instagram or mobile to laptop — with a consistent brand image and message. Here are some technologies that can support omnichannel marketing:

  1. Digital asset management (DAM) software stores, shares, and organizes digital assets in one central location.
  2. Product information management (PIM) solutions allow organizations to ensure a single, accurate view of data by centralizing and managing product information. 
  3. Customer relationship management (CRM) systems allow an organization to store all its contacts in one place. 

Pickup and delivery attributes, indoor Live View and more AI-powered features are coming to Google Maps and GMB

  • Google is releasing a number of AI-powered updates to Maps and Google My Business (GMB)
  • The new features include pickup and delivery attributes, a curbside pickup pilot program, indoor Live View, an updated directions interface and several eco-friendly tweaks to Maps.

Google is packing more features, many commerce-related, into Maps, helping the company maintain its position as the intermediary between online and offline activities. Pickup and delivery attributes within GMB profiles may help improve the customer experience since users will be provided with the information they need prior to purchasing. If the Pickup with Google Maps program rolls out more widely, it may streamline curbside pickup, which can help you sell to customers on their terms, as conveniently as possible. The indoor Live View feature will be rolling out to malls and may help customers navigate to your store, enabling them to get in and out more quickly.

With NFL Deal, Amazon Accelerates Its Streaming-TV Advertising Ambitions

  • As part of a new media rights deal, Amazon will make its Prime Video service the new home of “Thursday Night Football” and its coveted commercial time, taking over from Fox Corp. by 2023.

The pact is by far Amazon’s biggest play to date in streaming TV, with the company paying an average annual fee of around $1 billion for the rights to the games. But having worked its way to third place in the digital advertising business, chasing only Google and Facebook, it is a move that could help Amazon secure a commanding position in the future of TV ad sales.

Midway through 2019, Amazon was on pace to book $100 million in streaming-TV ad sales for that year, but Amazon’s streaming-TV ad sales grew faster in 2020 than its more-established ad segments such as search and display, with TV streaming now compromising roughly 15% - 20% of two top ad-buying agencies’ spending with Amazon. Advertisers, meanwhile, are buying more in streaming TV, especially CTV, where U.S. ad spending will total nearly $13.41 billion this year, up from nearly $9.03 billion in 2020, according to research firm eMarketer. In streaming TV, Amazon’s most direct point of comparison is Roku with Amazon accounting for 33% of devices in households in the third quarter of 2020, behind Roku at 38%. In 2020, three top ad-buying firms spent twice as much on Roku than Amazon in streaming TV, according to senior executives at those firms. And Hulu is far ahead of both, receiving 10x as much in ad spend as Amazon in the category.

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