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This Week's News: 2021/03/10

This Week's News: 2021/03/10
Hotspex Media Team

The future isn’t connected TV, it’s connecting TV

  • We must take ownership of the issues that are being natively built into the very fabric of the TV/CTV landscape.
  • Adgile is looking towards the holistic and integrated management of all TV

TV – once considered by some as media in terminal decline – is in fact at a significant point of reinvention. Viewing behaviour shifted to TV as a source of trusted content, with growth demonstrated across all forms. TV’s problem lays within its inability to measure and quantify the value of its effectiveness. With CTV advertising, measurement seems to be getting harder and not better, leaving doubts over the efficacy of CTV planning and buying leading bystanders to believe marketing investment will be slow to follow. As an industry that is supercharging TVs capabilities through technology, we must now take ownership of the issues that are being natively built into the very fabric of its landscape.

Adgile is making effort to reshape the future of Total TV by creating unique TV data through their visual AI-enabled technology, enabling users to understand, optimize and extend their TV planning and buying through their analytics, attribution and activation product capabilities. 

  • Read the full article from WARC

Google Crushed Many Digital Ad Rivals. But a Challenger Is Rising.

  • The Trade Desk is second in the market for buying ads across publishers’ sites

While Google dominates that area of ad-buying with about 40% of the business, Trade Desk is up to nearly 8% and its share is growing faster than Google’s. Trade Desk revenue shot up 26% compared with 2019, hitting $836 million. Trade Desk’s stock fell nearly 13% on Wednesday as investors worried Google’s announcement that FLoC would reshape the industry at Trade Desk’s expense meaning digital advertising could bifurcate, with a Google ecosystem that has one set of rules and the rest of the web following another. Next year, Trade Desk will face a big challenge when Google removes third-party “cookies” from its market-leading Chrome browser.

How Marketers Inadvertently Help Fuel Ad Fraud

  • Ad fraud leaves brands overspending in digital
  • Fou believes the scale of ad fraud across the industry is currently at its “highest point ever”

Dr. Augustine Fou  – a former marketer-turned-ad fraud investigator and consultant – believes the scale of ad fraud across the industry is currently at its “highest point ever,” which he admits is a statement at odds with what most marketers are told and believe. Fou contends that bots have been able to infiltrate in the new automated environment. “Because [the process] is now completely automated with no human intervention, it’s also created more opportunity for fraud,” he said. If a campaign has earned exceptionally high click-through rates, for example, it’s worth asking whether that has had an impact on sales. If not, there may be reason to suspect the investments are being wasted on bots.

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