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LinkedIn Adds New Tools for Company Pages, Including Updated Competitor Analytics

LinkedIn Adds New Tools for Company Pages, Including Updated Competitor Analytics
Hotspex Media Team

LinkedIn Adds New Tools for Company Pages, Including Updated Competitor Analytics

  • LinkedIn has announced its latest feature drop for Company Pages, which includes new ways to highlight your newsletter, a new, more privacy-friendly way to segment your ad audience, and updated competitor analytics.

To further encourage brands to get into the LinkedIn newsletter game, and promote their products and services more directly, LinkedIn will now provide more options to maximize discovery, with company pages able to add SEO titles, descriptions and tags in their newsletter uploads. LinkedIn’s also rolling out some new elements for its Product Pages, with listed products now discoverable via LinkedIn search, and new Product Highlights to showcase specific items. LinkedIn’s also highlighted its new Brand Safety Hub which it launched earlier this month, enabling advertisers to manage placements across its Audience Network

Read the full article from Social Media Today

Don’t underestimate the power of AI in marketing

  • Hollywood has prompted an entire generation to fear AI thanks to Black Mirror, 2001: A Space Odyssey and Ex Machina – just to name a few. This perception misses one crucial detail about AI though, when used correctly, it can revolutionize a business. 

To use AI correctly, you must have a clear understanding of what you want to get out of it. You need to ask the correct questions and take calculated measures to fully utilize AI and understand your audiences more effectively. They work simply and require concise and clear data, It’s up to humans to provide clear data and use AI’s output to inform business intelligence.

Read the full article from Marketing Tech

The Podcast Purchase Pipeline; Canada Wants More Canadians On YouTube

December 5, 2022 | Ad Exchanger

  • Podcast advertising is plagued by measurement challenges.

But marketers still like the channel for its intimacy and because podcasts are starting to pop in attribution reports. Uncommon Goods previously used the same pixel-based attribution for podcasts as it did for other digital channels, but the results were unreliable. To help with attribution, many advertisers will offer special discounts for listeners, but people often don’t remember to use those promos. 

Read the full article from Ad Exchanger

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