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Google again delays third-party cookie deprecation. Now what?

Google again delays third-party cookie deprecation. Now what?
Hotspex Media Team

Google again delays third-party cookie deprecation. Now what?

  • Despite the tech giant’s latest shift, advertisers shouldn’t delay plans to develop and implement a cookieless future.

In the latest change to its self-imposed timeline, Google has again delayed the deprecation of third-party cookies in Chrome. The phase-out will now begin in the second half of 2024, instead of in 2023 as announced last year. Google’s announcement could serve as both a blessing and a curse for ad world stakeholders who are working to develop and implement post-cookie plans for tracking and measurement.

Pinterest Users Can Now See How Their Pins Are Performing With The Launch Of Real-Time Analytics

  • Pinterest just launched its Real-Time Analytics feature on mobile apps and it’s designed to help users keep an eye on their performance across the platform.

Pinterest did mention that it’s not going to be presenting any real-time readings for audience-based metrics such as the aggregate for engaged monthly audiences, alongside the age and other filters like gender too. However, users would definitely be able to look at the entire thing as an overall response achieved by the audience on a particular pin. There is a fear that such strategies may end up leading to a case of over-optimization and account holders delaying their campaigns to make fine edits and tweaks across the board.

Reddit Shares Insights into Usage by Parents and Students


  •  Reddit has shared these new insights on both parents and students, and how each audience engages in the app. 


Reddit says that it sees 85 million monthly views across parenting communities, and back-to-school discussion is now ramping up. That could make it worth testing out with your campaigns. Social platforms will likely play a key role in this though one that likely hasn’t got as much consideration is Reddit. 

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