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CanadianSME Podcast - Innovating Digital Advertising: A Journey with Josh Rosen

CanadianSME Podcast - Innovating Digital Advertising: A Journey with Josh Rosen
Josh Rosen

CanadianSME Small Business Podcast Feature:

In the latest episode of the CanadianSME Small Business Podcast, we explore the forefront of digital advertising with Josh Rosen, President of Hotspex Media and co-founder/President of Reticle AI. From his roots as a creative visionary to becoming a leader in leveraging data analytics and AI, Josh has guided Hotspex Media to notable success, celebrated for its innovative culture. This episode offers a deep dive into the dynamic shifts in digital advertising, the strategic use of AI and contextual ad targeting, and effective brand differentiation tactics.

Discover Josh's valuable perspectives on navigating the evolving digital landscape and preparing for future trends.

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